My first post

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Transformation of Active voice into passive voice

 Transformation of 
Active voice into passive voice

   * ( নিচের ৫টি rules follow করে active voice থেকে Passive voice এ রূপান্তর করতে হবে।)

 Rules :

1. Active voice এর object , passive voice এর subject হবে।

2. subject অনুসারে auxiliary verb বসবে।

3. Main verb এর past participle form হবে।

4. একটা preposition by/with/to বসবে। 

5. Active voice এর subject , Passive voice এর object হবে। 

Note :

  •     verb present হলে auxiliary verb am/is/are থেকে আসবে । 
  •     verb past form হলে auxiliary verb was/were থেকে আসবে ।
  •     active-এ have/ has/ had থাকলে  passive-এ have/has/had পর been বসবে ।
  •     verb  এর শেষে ing থাকলে auxiliary verb এর পর being বসবে।  
  •     Modal auxiliary থাকলে তা বসে যাবে এরপর be বসবে ।

Example :

Active : He reads a book.

Passive : A book is read by him. 

Active : He wrote a letter.

Passive : A letter was written by him. 

Active : He has played football. 

Passive : Football has been played by him .

Active : He is reading a book.

Passive : A book is being read by him. 

Active : He will do the sum.

Passive : The sum will be done by him. 

 * Affirmative into Negative 

Assertive into Interrogative

Assertive into Exclamatory 



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