My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.


1. Write an application to the Chairman for repairing the damaged road.

15 April, 2020
The Chairman
Dulalpur Union Parishad
Halishahar, Chattogram .

Subject : Application for repairing a damaged road.

Dear Sir,
On behalf of the people of the village Halishahar, I beg to state that the main road of  our village has been badly damaged due to recent flood . The road is full of holes and dugs. As a result, the villagers and the students of different schools and colleges have to suffer much.

In the circumstances stated above, I request you to take immediate steps to repair the damaged road.

Yours faithfully,
On behalf of the people of Halishahar.

2. Write an application to the Headmaster for increasing library facilities.
The Headmasters,
Mogdhara High School,

Subject: Prayer for increasing library facilities.

With due respect and humble submission to state that, this letter is to draw your kind attention to the fact that the library facilities in our school are not sufficient.The number  of books is few. So a number of books are required. Again, accommodation within the library and library facilities should be increased.

We, therefore, hope and pray that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps for increasing library facilities and oblige thereby.

We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The student of class-x

3. Write an application to the Headmaster for a half holiday. 

20 February, 2020
The headmaster,
Mogdhara high school,

Subject: application for a half holiday.

We, the students of your school, have the honor to state that the final game of the inter school football tournament is going to be played between our school and Public high school today at 4 p.m. in our school field. We are much interested to whiteness the match and encourage our players.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to dismiss the classes after the fourth period and enable us to whiteness the game.

Sincerely yours,
The students of
Mogdhara high school

4. Write an application to your headmaster for setting up a canteen. 

3 February, 2020
The headmaster,
Halishahar H/E High School

Subject: Application for setting up a canteen in our school campus.

I, on behalf of the students of class ten of your school, have to honor to state that ours is one of the most famous schools in the city. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no canteen in our school campus. We acutely feel the need of a canteen. Our classes start at 10 a.m. and break up at 4 p.m. There is a thirty minutes break at lunch time. We have to take their lunch at roadside hotels and restaurants. But most of these are unhygienic and harmful to our health.

I, therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us to set up a canteen in our school campus.

Sincerely yours,
On behalf of the students of class ten.

5. Write an application to the Chairman for sinking a tube-well.

The Chairman
Halishahar Union Parishad

Subject : Prayer for sinking tube-well.


We, the inhabitants of the village Halishahar  under your Union, beg to inform you that we have long been suffering for want of pure drinking water. There is only one tube-well for about two thousand people. It is not sufficient for us. So the villagers have to drink impure drinking water from nearby ponds and canals. This has caused many dangerous diseases like cholera, diarrhea and other water borne diseases.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be king enough to take necessary step to sanction a few deep tube-wells and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully
Roman Mia
On behalf of the villagers of
Halishahar Union Parishad

6.  An application for a full free studentship.

6 May ,2020
The Headmaster
Mogdhara High School

Subject: Prayer for full free studentship.

Dear Sir,
I beg most respectfully to state that I am a regular student of class X of your school. My father is a poor farmer. He is the only earning member of our family. I have four school going brothers and sisters. So it is not possible for him to bear my educational expenses any longer. I badly need a full-free studentship.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship.

I remain
Your most obedient pupil

7. Application to the Headmaster for increasing common room facilities.

May 1, 2020
The Headmaster
Mogdhara High School

Subject: Prayer for increasing common room facilities.

Dear Sir,
We, the students of your school, have the honor to state that our common room is not well furnished. We cannot enjoy our off period for want of indoor sports materials such as caram, chess, table tennis etc. There is no newspaper at all. Actually we are deprived of all these things.

 We, therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to provide us  common room facilities and oblige thereby.

We remain
Your most obedient pupils
The students of
Mogdhara high School.

8. Write an application to your headmaster for morning school.

May 1, 2020
The Principal/Headmaster
Mogdhara school and college

Subject: Prayer for morning school.

Dear Sir,
We, the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that the summer season has already set out. So it is very difficult for us to attend the classes during mid day due to scorching heat of sun.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to hold the classes in the morning from tomorrow.

We remain,
Your most obediently
The students of Mogdhara school and college

9. Write an application to your headmaster praying for permission to go to a picnic.

April 27, 2020
The Headmaster
Halishahar H/E High School

Subject: Prayer for arranging/going on a picnic/study tour.

Dear Sir,
We, the student of class x of your school wish to go on a study tour. We are leading a monotonous life of attending the classes. So, we feel that we should go on a study tour. It can remove our monotonous life. Study tour is not only interesting but also instructive. We will contribute half of the total expenditure.

Therefore, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to give us the permission and financial help.

We remain.
Your most obedient pupils of class X

10.  Write an application to your Headmaster for a testimonial.

May 27, 2020
The Headmaster/Principal
Mogdhara School & College

Subject: An application for a testimonial.

Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that I have passed the S.S.C examination from your school this year obtaining G.P.A-5. Now I want to get myself admitted into a college and so I need a testimonial from you.

Hence, I would like to request that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours
Class: x
Roll: 02

11. Write an application to the Headmaster  for re-admission.

April 27. 2020
The Headmaster
Mogdhara High School

Subject:  An application for re-admission

Dear Sir,
I beg most respectfully to state that my father is a govt. officer. Last month he was sick and he could not draw his salary in time. That’s why I could not pay my tuition fee last month. As a result  my name has been struck off the register. Now I am able to pay my tuition fee.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me to take re-admission of usual fees only.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,
Class-8 Roll-03

12. Write an application to your Headmaster for a transfer certificate.

May 1, 2020
The Headmaster
Halishahar H/E High school

Subject : Prayer for a transfer certificate

Dear Sir,
 I beg most respectfully to state that I am a regular student. My father is a government employee. Recently he has been transferred from here to Dhaka. Our family is also going to be shifted there very soon. So it is not possible for me to continue my studies at your school.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant to issue me a transfer certificates and oblige thereby.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil
Class- X

13.Write an application to your Headmaster for advance leave .

April 30, 2020
The Headmaster
Mogdhara High School
Sandwip, Chattogram.

Subject: Prayer for leave in advance

I beg most respectfully to state that I am a regular student of your school. The marriage ceremony of my elder sister will be held on Monday next, the 5th May. So, I shall not be able to attend the school from the 4th to the 6th instant.

May I , therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me leave for those days only.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,

14. Write an application to your Headmaster praying for leave of absence.

April 30, 2020
The Headmaster
Mogdhara High School
Sandwip, Chattogram.

Subject: Prayer for leave of absence

Dear Sir,
I beg most respectfully to state that I am a regular student of your school. I could not attend school from the 7th to the 9th instant on account of my cold fever.

May I , therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me leave of absence for those days only.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,
Nurul Absar

15. Write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a debating club

April 30, 2020
The Headmaster
Mogdhara High School
Sandwip, Chattogram.


Subject: Application for setting up a debating club.


We, the students of your school, have the honor to state that there is no debating club in our school. But we feel the need of a debating club because it is very essential for the development of the students. It enables us to acquire knowledge and skills of speaking. It helps us to distinguish between the right and wrong. It also helps us to prepare for the future leadership.

We, therefore, would like to request you to set up a debating club in our school and oblige thereby.

We remain
Your most obedient pupils of class X

16. Write an application to the chairman of your Union Council for the construction of a bridge over the canal.

The Chairman
Halishahar, Chittagong 

Subject: An application for construction a bridge over the canal.

Dear Sir,
We, the in habitants of your locality, would like to inform you that there runs a canal through our village. Many people including students have to cross it everyday either to go to market or to go to schools. It is impossible for students to cross the canal on foot during the dry season when boats are not available. Only a bridge over the canal can solve this problem easily.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would take necessary steps to construct a bridge over the canal and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully
Roman mia
On behalf of the people of Halishahar 



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