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Write a letter to your father about your progress of studies.
Halishahar, B-Block
7 April 2020
Dear My Father,
Hope you are well. I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you wanted to know about my progress in studies. Now I am writing about it.
You will be glad to know that I have obtained 80% mark all the subjects in my last exam. Please don't worry for me. I don’t waste my time. I think my progress of studies is going well. Please pray for me. I think I will make a good result in my final exam.
No more today. My deepest regard to you and mother and love to the youngers.
ধাপ-১ঃ কাজ শুরু । ধাপ-২ঃ তিনটি সংখ্যা a, b, c নিই । ধাপ-৩ঃ যদি a<b ও a<c হয় তবে, a সবচেয়ে ছোট ছাপাই । অন্যথায় ৪নং ধাপে যাই। ধাপ-৪ঃ যদি b<a ও b<c হয় তবে, b সবচেয়ে ছোট ছাপাই। অন্যথায় ৫নং ধাপে যাই। ধাপ-৫ঃ c সবচেয়ে ছোট ছাপাই। ধাপ-৬ঃ কাজ শেষ ।