
Water Pollution

 Water is life. This water can be polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers in their fields to get better crops. Again they use insecticides that damage crops. These elements are washed away into rivers,canals and ponds. They get mix with water and pollute it. Sometimes Mills and factories pollute water by throwing their waste materials into the rivers and canals and ponds . Steamers, motor, launches and even sail boats can pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. Unsanitary latrines in the countryside standing on the bank of rivers and canals also pollute water. The kutcha drains running into the rivers and canals cause water pollution. Clean water is safe for us and polluted water is harmful for us. We should prevent water pollution in order to keep good health.

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ডিপিএড ভাইভা প্রস্তুতি ( পেশাগত ৪র্থ খণ্ড )

  ১ . ICT – এর পূর্ণরূপ কি ? ২ . UNDP - এর পূর্ণরূপ কি ? ৩. সফটওয়্যার কাকে বলে ? ৪. হার্ডওয়ার কাকে বলে ? ৫. কয়েকটি সফটওয়্যার এর উদাহরণ দাও । ৬. কয়েকটি হার্ডওয়্যার এর উদাহরণ দাও । ৭. তথ্য প্রযুক্তি সাক্ষরতা কাকে বলে ? ৮. কম্পিউটারের কয়টি অংশ ? ৯. হার্ডওয়্যারের কয়টি অংশ ? ১০. সিপিইউ কি ? ১১. ইনপুট কি ? ১২. আউটপুট কি ? ১৩. সফটওয়্যার কত প্রকার ? ১৪. অপারেটিং সিস্টেম কাকে বলে ? ১৫. অ্যাপ্লিকেশান সফটওয়্যার কাকে বলে ? ১৬. কম্পিউটার কিভাবে ওপেন/বন্ধ করতে হয় ? ১৭.   কিভাবে ফোল্ডার /ফাইল খুলতে হয় ? ১৮. কিভাবে cut/copy/ paste করতে হয় ? ১৯. কিভাবে ফোল্ডার /ফাইল delete করতে হয় ? ২০. MS Word কি ? ২১. MS Word এর কাজ কি ? ২২. কিভাবে MS Word খুলতে হয় ? ২৩. কিভাবে একটা ডকুমেন্ট সেইভ করতে হয় ? ২৪. ডকুমেন্টে ছবি add করতে হলে কোথায় যেতে হয় ? ২৫. MS Excel কি ? ২৬. MS Excel এর কাজ কি ? ২৭.   MS Excel এ যোগ/বিয়োগ /গুণ /ভাগ কিভাবে করতে হয় ? ২৮. কয়েকটি ব্রাউজার এর নাম বল । ২৯. Google কি ? ৩০. MS PowerPoint কি ? ৩১. শিক্ষা কি ? ৩২....

Application for opening a charitable dispensary.

  The Commissioner, Halishahar  Subject: Application for opening a charitable dispensary. Dear Sir, This is to inform you to draw your kind attention to the flood that has recently visited our locality. The flood has broken all the records of the past. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. Thousands of people have become homeless. Many of them have taken shelter on rooftops, boats, and embankments. They are now living under the open sky without food and drinking water. Cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid, dysentery etc. Have broken out in an epidemic form the affected people are now badly in needing medicine. But it is a great regret that there is no charitable dispensary in the village. In the meantime, many people died for want of proper treatment. So, it is necessary to open a charitable dispensary here. I,therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us to set up a charitable dispensary and oblige thereby. Your faithfully  X On behalf of the peo...

ডিপিএড ভাইভা প্রস্তুতি ( বাংলা )

  ১. যোগাযোগ সাধনের উপায় কি? ২. ভাষার মূল উপাদান কি? ৩. ভাষার দক্ষতা কয়টি? ৪. ভাষা ও সাহিত্য এর লেখক কে? ৫. বাংলা সাহিত্যের আদি নিদর্শন কি? ৬. ছোট গল্প কাকে বলে ? ৭. উপন্যাস কাকে বলে ? ৮. সাহিত্যের শ্রেষ্ঠ শাখা কোনটি ? ৯. শিশুদের উপযোগী সাহিত্যকে কি বলে ? ১০. সোনামণি গল্পটি কোন শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ? ১১. দূরের পাল্লা কবিতা কার লেখা ? ১২. সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত কি নামে খ্যাত ? ১৩. বঙ্গভাষা কার লেখা ? ১৪. বঙ্গভাষা কবিতার ১ম চার লাইন কি অনসারে ? ১৫. রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর কত সালে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন ? ১৬. প্রবন্ধ সাহিত্যকে কয় ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়েছে ? ১৭. একাত্তরের চিঠি কে লিখেছেন ? ১৮. নাটক কয় ধরনের ? ১৯. কাহিনী নাটকের কি বলা হয় ? ২০. বাংলা বিষয়ের প্রান্তিকযোগ্যতা কয়টি ? ২১. শোনার যোগ্যতা কয়টি ? ২২. বলার যোগ্যতা কয়টি ? ২৩. পড়ার যোগ্যতা কয়টি ? ২৪. লেখার যোগ্যতা কয়টি ? ২৫. শ্রবণ কয় ধরনের ? ২৬. পড়ার উদ্দেশ্য কয়টি ? ২৭. পড়া কি? ২৮. পড়ার দক্ষতা কয়টি ? ২৯. পাঠ কত প্রকার ? ৩০. পড়ার মূল উদ্দেশ্য কি ? ৩১. ভাষার স্থায়ী রূপ কি ? ৩২. লেখা কি ধরনের...

An application to the Chairman for constructing a damaged bridge

 Date: The Chairman  Halishahar Union Parishad  Halishahar  Subject:   Prayer for repair of a bridge. Sir, I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that a canal runs through our village ‘X’. There is a bridge over this canal. The bridge has been badly damaged for movement. Many people including students have to cross it every day either to go to the market or to schools. People cross the bridge taking the risk of life. During the rainy season, it creates a great problem for us. So the repair the bridge is very urgent. I, therefore, request you to take immediate steps to repair the damaged bridge Yours faithfully ‘Y’

King Lear and His Three Daughters

Long ago there lived a mighty old king in England. His name was king Lear. He was tired of ruling and needed rest. He made up a plan to divide his kingdom. He had three daughters. Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. He decided to divide his kingdom among three daughters. But before giving it he wanted to know how much they loved him. At first Lear asked his eldest daughter,” How much do you love me?” Goneril answered,” Sir, I love you more than I can say.” King Lear was pleased and went to ask the same question to his second daughter Regan. She answered,” My love for you shall never change any time.” Lear became so much satisfied hearing the answer. Then it came the turn of Cordelia, his youngest daughter whom he loved most. Cordelia did not like flattering. She replied that she loved his as much as a daughter should love her father. King Lear became very much angry at her reply. He derived away her from his country and divided his kingdom between his two daughters. Cordelia took she...

Honesty is the best policy

Once there lived a poor wood cutter in a certain village. He used to cut wood in the forest. One day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly, his axe fell into the river. The river was very deep. The wood cutter did not know how to swim or dive. So, he sat on the bank of the river sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the wood cutter. She asked the reason of his crying. The wood cutter told her the whole incident. She took pity on him and expressed her hope to help him. Then she dived into the river and came back after sometime with a golden axe. She showed it to him but the wood cutter refused to take it. So she again went under the water and brought a silver axe to him. But this time the wood cutter also refused to take it. Rather he said that his axe had made of iron not of gold or silver. The fairy again went under water and brought an iron axe. This time the wood cutter accepted it gladly. The fairy became very pleased to see the honesty of w...


  Diaspora means the people who had left their original homelands and settled in other countries of the world. Either they were forced to leave the country and they willingly left. We can see from the history, most of the people of their own country were highly tortured by the powerful autocratic government. So that they had to leave or had to escape from their own country and started to live another country. The Jews were the first diaspora in the history of mankind. Later in the Islamic era, many of them were again forced to leave Palestine. Then these Jews became diaspora in Europe and America.  After World War II, the Jews started coming back to Palestine with the help of western power and they also formed a new land called Israel. Now Palestine are being forced to leave their homeland. As a result, they are also being diaspora in many countries of the world. We all see the latest incident. Myanmar government has compelled the Muslim minority  "Rohingya...

What is play to one is death to another

There was a big pond in a certain village. It was filled to brim with water. Many frogs took their shelter in the pond. Some of them put their heads out of the water and croaked loudly. One day some naughty boys were playing by the side of the pond. When they heard the frogs croaking, some of them started to throw stones into the pond for fun. These stones hurt some of the frogs. All the frogs at once went down into water. But the boys did not leave the place. They remained standing there with stones in their hands. When the frogs raised their heads above the water, the boys started throwing stones again . As a result, most of the frogs became injured and died. So an old frog raised his head out of the water and said, "Dear boys, don't throw stones at us, please." "We're playing," said the boys, laughing. "I understand that" said the old frog. "But the stones you throw hit and hurt us. What's play to you is death to us."

A letter about prize giving ceremony

03-11-2020 Halishahar Chattogram  Dear friend How are you?  I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I got your letter yesterday. In your letter you wanted to know about the prize giving ceremony in which I have received a prize at our school. Now I am describing about it. Our annual prize giving ceremony was held in last Sunday. On that day, our school campus and auditorium decorated very nicely. Our Local MP was the chief guest. The function was stared at 11 a.m. At the beginning of the function, our religious teacher recited from the holy Quran. Then our honourable headteacher read out the annual report. At last the chief guest delivered a short speech. Then he distributed the prizes among the students. I got one prize for regular attendance. It was really a memorable day in my life.I never forget it. No more today. Write me soon about your Prize giving ceremony.  Your ever Y