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King Lear and His Three Daughters

Long ago there lived a mighty old king in England. His name was king Lear. He was tired of ruling and needed rest. He made up a plan to divide his kingdom. He had three daughters. Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. He decided to divide his kingdom among three daughters. But before giving it he wanted to know how much they loved him. At first Lear asked his eldest daughter,” How much do you love me?” Goneril answered,” Sir, I love you more than I can say.” King Lear was pleased and went to ask the same question to his second daughter Regan. She answered,” My love for you shall never change any time.” Lear became so much satisfied hearing the answer. Then it came the turn of Cordelia, his youngest daughter whom he loved most. Cordelia did not like flattering. She replied that she loved his as much as a daughter should love her father. King Lear became very much angry at her reply. He derived away her from his country and divided his kingdom between his two daughters. Cordelia took shelter in a forest. One day the Prince of France came hunting and saw her. He became very impressed at her beauty and married her. In the meantime, the king became the burden of the two daughters. They did not like the king as before. He felt great shocked understanding the falsehood of his two daughters. He became very sick. One day the two daughters drove him away of the kingdom. Cordelia came to know that and forwarded with French army to the kingdom and rescued his father. The King understood the real love of his youngest daughter.


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