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Dialogue about blood donation campaign

Hiba : Hi, Liba. How are you?

Liba: Fine. What about you?

Hiba : I'm also fine. Where are you going?

Liba: I am going to attend a blood donation campaign. 

Hiba: What is blood donation? 

Liba:  Donate your blood to others is called blood donation. It is a noble deed. By donating blood, you can save a dying patient. 

Hiba: Isn't it harmful for our health?

Liba: Absolutely not. There is a misconception about blood donation. Actually it creates no harm for our health. Besides it keeps our blood circulation more active and produce new cells.

Hiba: Who can donate blood? 

Liba: A sound health person can donate blood after every three months.

Hiba: I understand. But why campaign is necessary? 

Liba: Without campaign, how can we aware people about blood donation. By campaigning, we can aware people so that they can come to donate blood willingly. 

Hiba: You are right. I have learnt so many things from you.

Liba: That's why campaign is necessary. 

Hiba: Thank you very much for your good job. 

Liba: You are most welcome.


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