My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Dialogue between two friend about illiteracy campaign

Nova : Hello, Subah. How’re you?

Subah : I’m fine. And what about you ?

Nova : I’m fine too. What are you doing?

Subah: I’m reading an article about the illiteracy problem of our country.

Nova: Is it necessary to read about the problem?

Subah : I’m worried about the problem. Do you know the exact condition of literacy of our country?

Nova: No, actually. I don’t have any idea about it.

Subah : Most of the people of our country are illiterate. They do not know how to read and write. No proper development is possible until all the people are educated.

Nova: Is it possible to solve this problem?

Subah : Why not? You’ll be happy to know that our government has taken some steps to remove illiteracy from the country.

Nova: You know most of the people of our country are poor. They are busy to earn their livelihood. They aren’t interested to receive education and send their children to school.

Subah: You’re right. For this reason, our Government has launched Food for Education Programme to inspire the poor people.

Nova: But how is it possible for the government alone?

Subah : It's true. Only government will not solve it. We should come forward to help the government.

Nova :  But how can we help the government ?

Subah: By campaigning illiteracy, we can aware the people who don't have the idea of education. Also we can make them aware of what facilities the government is providing to receive education. 

Nova: That's a great idea. Campaigning is the best solution to aware people. 

Subah: Let's go and discuss with our classmates.

Nova: Let's go


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