My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Crossing the bar

1st Stanza:

Here "Sunset and evening" is the symbol of final on last moment of life. Sunset refers to death and evening refers to the beginning of afterlife. Clean call means there is no doubt of death. Everything can be changed but death is must. Here the Poet gave a clear message of death by using "clean call "!! Poet wanted to express his journey after the death and he wished that no one will cry for him.

2nd Stanza:

The big waves of the sea come back from the deep sea and come to the shore and disappear, similarly our life also fall into the lap of death.

3rd Stanza: 

The final hour of life has rung and the journey to darkness will begin.When he ascends to the eternal journey,he hopes thet no pain of farewell will be seen.

4th Stanza:

He feels that may be a strong  flood will bear him far away from this time and place. He hopes that he will see his creator after the death. That means death will come and take him away  from this world and meet him with his creator.


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