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Write a letter to your friend advising him how to improve / develop his skill in English


30 September 2020

Afiya Ibnat


My dear Nusrat

At first take my compliments and love. I think you are well with the grace the almighty. A am also well.

So, far as I know you are not so good in English, which is the international language. I am going to advise you how to improve your skill in English. English is used in almost all over the countries. If you wish to have higher education in any subject you must know English. So try hard to improve your English.

By listening, speaking and reading books you can improve your English. I advise you to read English newspaper and listen to English news regularly. Read English story books and novels. Keep a notebook and write down every new word. 

No more today. Take care of your health. 

Yours truly,



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