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Population Problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh  is a small country. It is densely populated country in the world. It has a population of over 130 million. About 1500-1600 people live in one square mile. Every year more than two million people are being added to our population. The problem is now out of control. 

Although the population of a country is an asset, it becomes a problem when the country cannot provide its people with the basic necessaries of life.

The area of Bangladesh is too small to support its vast population. As a result over-population creates a lot of critical problems like communication, education, employment, housing, health, medical treatment, environment etc. 

We all should come forward to control it. The government of Bangladesh has already taken a number of steps regarding the issue. In order to overcome this problem, we may follow the following rules. Each family must not have more than two children. Then each family will be planned.

Proper education and an idea of the fair standard of living should be given to the people. Newspapers, television, and cinema should be telecast the idea of birth control and family planning. As a result, they will be fully aware of the evil effects of overpopulation.

Overpopulation is an obstruction to any kind of development. So necessary steps should be taken to solve the population problem. Early marriage should be stopped and polygamy should be banned. The introduction of family planning all over the country is essential. Birth control is essential in this regard.

Population problem in Bangladesh is a number one national problem. If the Government and the people of our country are determined to implement birth control, we can hope that the present growth rate of the population will be reduced in the near future.

Bangladesh is an overpopulated land. If the people and the govt. utilize the country’s resources and do other works sincerely this problem will be solved. So we all should take a noble vow of solving the problem and make a happy and prosperous Bangladesh.


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