My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

My Favourite Hobby

 Hobby is nothing but a kind of pleasant affair. It is one’s favorite occupation but not the main business. A man does not depend on it for his living but he derives mental recreation from it. Hobby reliefs us from daily's monotonous life. 

Hobbies are recreations to those who are engaged in heavy mental responsibilities. There are different kinds of hobbies such as gardening, fishing, music, touring etc.

I am a student. Like others I also have a hobby of my own. My favourite hobby is gardening. In fact, no other hobby can afford me more pleasure than it.I have a garden of my own in front of my house. Whenever I get time I work in it. I make the soil loose, weed out the grass and plant flower plants in it. I watch them in the morning and in the evening regularly.

Again, I also put a fence around my garden with bamboo so that the cattle, goats and naughty children can not do any harm. I have all types flower in my garden and it is never without flowers. There are both seasonal and permanent flower plants in my garden.

I feel pleasure when I visit my flower garden in the morning. They look like stars in the sky. Each flower has a colour and sweet fragrance of its own. Sometimes my friends come to my garden and they appreciate it. I explain to them the history of important flower plants of my garden. I feel proud when I present a bouquet with them.

I have a small plot in my garden for vegetable. I grow cauliflower, cabbages, pumpkin and other vegetables there. My mother becomes very glad when I offer her some vegetables everyday.

Everyday I work at least for two hours. Physical labour and fresh air of this garden is beneficial for health. Thus my hobby provides me with immense pleasure, no doubt. Everybody should have a hobby to make the leisure hours meaningful and full of merriment.

In fine, it may be said that a hobby is important in our lives. So, I try to keep harmony between my hobby and duty.


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