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Modern Technology

Present age is the age of science and technology. Modern technology is a great blessing for present civilization. We see the use of modern technology in every sphere of our life. We can’t think of our modern life without science and technology. Technology is being used in industry, communication, medical treatment, household activities etc. present civilization is the gift of the technology. And use of technology has made our life easy and more comfortable. Modern technology has turned the world into a global village. With the blessings of mobile phone, internet, television, computer we can know in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world.  We can communicate with anyone living at any place in the world within seconds. We are greatly benefited from these things in communication. We use technology in space, sea, mountain, dissert etc. for our benefit and welfare. In our daily life fans, refrigerators etc. have made our life comfortable. By the use of computer various activities are being carried out quickly and accurately. Mobile phone and computer are certainly most wonderful invention of science. Besides communication between person to person, we can enjoy various things on these two wonderful scientific devices. In short,  technology seems to be the magical lamp of Aladdin. In a word, it is the life and soul of modern civilization.



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