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May Day


The first day of May is observed as May Day all over the world. This day is observed to commemorate the historic struggle of working people. Today all the workers enjoy minimum wage, safety in workplace and eight-hour workday. These are the outcome to the struggle of these workers. The day has an eventful historical background. The workers of Chicago protested against injustice and exploitation in 1886. Then the workers had to work 14 hours or more in a day. Even they had no any job security too. On May 3, in 1886, they brought out a rally to realize their demands and police fired into the rally. As a result, at least one worker was killed and five or six others were wounded seriously. Every year this day is observed in Bangladesh with profound respect and dignity. The workers of different workplaces bring out rally on this day. However, this day is very important. Now workers of all over the world enjoy job security, a minimum wage and an eight-hour working time.


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