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International Mother Language Day

  In the history of our country, people have many days to remember. 21st February is mentionable one. The day is observed as the International Mother Language Day. It is a red letter day in our life. It has its own background. Our Language day, “Omor Ekushe February” was declared as International Mother Language Day by the UNESCO On November 17, 1999.This great occasion reminds us of those heroic sons who sacrificed their lives for the establishment of our mother tongue ‘Bangla’. On this day, at dawn people wearing black badges on their shoulders and go to the “Shaheed Minar” barefooted with flowers to pay respect to the martyrs. They sing the mournful song “Amar vaiyer rokte rangano…….” .  It has great image and tradition in the country. This is a national holiday. We observe this day with due honour and dignity. The day is celebrated with proper status and amusement all over the country. On the occasion of this day social, political and cultural organization.



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