My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Food Adulteration

A substance added to a food-item to reduce its quality in order to increase its quantity is called as an adulterant. This act of addition of the adulterant in food-items is known as food adulteration. The addition of adulterant may be intentional or accidental. But generally the adulterant addition is intentional. Food adulteration has become a new problem in the country. These are visible adulterants like stones, leaves, soil, sand and dust to name a few. They are generally harmful for the health and most of them lead to serious health problems like cancer. The hotels and restaurants are also serving these poisonous and unhealthy menus. The government has set mobile courts to detect and punish dishonest people. But it is not enough. Both the government and public have to work together in order to eradicate this problem. Food adulteration increases the burden of health in the society. So it must be removed from the society.



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