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Early Marriage

Early Marriage or premature marriage means a wedding between a young boy and a young girl before reaching puberty. Needy families  both in the slums of the towns and cities and of villages are found to be married off before 15. The parents of these families cannot afford  to educate their girls and cannot provide them with jobs. These girls often eat up and pass time idly. Thus situations force the parents to make them married off. Only poverty plays the key role in early marriage. Superstitions , social and religious customs, discriminatory  attitude towards girls,  education, are also responsible for early marriage. Early marriage may break down their health. As a result they may suffer from malnutrition, anaemia , self effacement and many other diseases. They become the victims of growing old early. In such a condition of their health, weak baby is born with different complications. So no girl should be married off before 18 and a boy before 21. The parents involved in early marriage should be motivated. To encourage female education and to discourage early marriage our government has taken some positive steps, such as, giving stipends to girls, recruiting more female teachers etc. This will help stopping early marriage.


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