My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

A Letter to your Friend about the Co-curricular Activities of your School

Dear Oishi,

Hope you are well. I am fine by the grace of almighty Allah. In your last letter you wanted to know about the co-curricular activities of my school. Now I am giving a short description of it.

Our school has a popularity for its co-curricular activities. The annual cultural program is celebrated every year. Inter-school games are held every year. Debating, computer programs, Kabadi, cricket, Football etc. are played regularly. Every Thursday we organizes the weekly singing competition. I think that you will be pleased to know about ours co-curricular activities . I am eagerly waiting to hear from you.

No more today. With best wishes and love.

Yours ever



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