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7 March's speech
7 March's speech
The historic 7'th March's speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the main inspiration of our liberation war. On 30th October 2017, UNESCO has recognized the fiery speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a part of world's documentary heritage. The speech was given by our father of the nation on 7th March 1971 at Ramna Race Course in Dhaka. In this speech, Bangabandhu declared " This struggle is for our freedom, this speech is for our independence." He announced, "every house to turn into a fortress, resist the enemy with all you have." During this 18 minute speech, he declared in a thunderous voice that "Having mastered the lesson of sacrifice, we shall give more blood. God willing [Inshallah], we shall free the people of this land,” The speech of 7th March has inspired the 20000 people who were present on the Ramna Race Course and also the whole nation to take part in liberation war and free our country from the enemy. This speech has touched the soul of every Bangladeshi and even after 1971, this speech has encouraged all other movements. The speech of 7th March was an eye-opening declaration for the nation that we should stand together and free our country from West Pakistan. Now it's a matter of great pride for us that as UNESCO has recognized the speech, the whole world will be able to know of our liberation war.
ধাপ-১ঃ কাজ শুরু । ধাপ-২ঃ তিনটি সংখ্যা a, b, c নিই । ধাপ-৩ঃ যদি a<b ও a<c হয় তবে, a সবচেয়ে ছোট ছাপাই । অন্যথায় ৪নং ধাপে যাই। ধাপ-৪ঃ যদি b<a ও b<c হয় তবে, b সবচেয়ে ছোট ছাপাই। অন্যথায় ৫নং ধাপে যাই। ধাপ-৫ঃ c সবচেয়ে ছোট ছাপাই। ধাপ-৬ঃ কাজ শেষ ।
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