My first post

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Suggestion for S.S.C-2021

English 1st Paper

Seen Passage -01
**1. 21 February is a memorable day......................
***2. 26 March , our independence day......................
*3. May day..........................................................
***4. Human can neither ............................................
**5. Meherjan lives in a...........................................
**6. In the primitive age..........................................
*7. The pioneer of Bangladesh............................
***8. Pritilata Waddedar was .....................................
*9. Steve Paul Jobs .............................................
**10. Michael Madhusudan Dutta ..............................
**11. Heritage is what we............................................
**12. It was the late summer .......................................
***13. Countries of the world..........................................
***14. The internet technology .......................................

Seen Passage -02

**1. A responsibility is a.......................................
***2. May day or international.................................
***3. Fish population is ...........................................
**4. Education is one of the .................................
***5. Today there are many jobs ..............................
**6. Among the most significant ..........................
*7. Lake Baikal is the deepest ...........................
**8. Traditional Childhood ...................................
**9. Everyone must play ......................................
**10. 21 February has been.......................................
**11. 26 March , our independence..........................

Unseen Passage 

***1. Alexander Fleming was ..............................
**2. Jibonanondo Das ......................................
***3. Stephen Hawking is considered .................
**4. Nelson Mandela .......................................
 **5. Charles Babbage was an ...........................
*6. John Milton was one of the ...................
***7. Mother Teresa ............................................
***8. Neil Armstrong ..........................................
**9. Abraham Linkon ......................................
**10. Albert Einstein was ....................................


**1. A School Library   
***2. A School Magazine 
***3. A Book Fair             
**4. Tree Plantation      
***5. Traffic Jam              
  **6. The life of a Farmer
**7. Load shedding       
**8. A Street Hawker   
**9. Our National Flag 
***10. A Tea Stall                
*11. A Street Accident 
*12. A rainy day           
      ***13. Corona / Covid-19          


***1. Slow and steady wins the race
**2. A liar cowboy                     
**3. The lion and the mouse       
*4. A thirsty crow                     
**5. Sheikh shadi                         
**6. Two friend and a bear           
**7. Divide the bread                     
**8. A dog and a piece of meat     
**9. The ready wit of a boy           
        *10. Truthfulness of Abdur Quadir Zilani

**11. Bayazid's devotion to his mother
***12. An honest wood cutter               
**13. A fox without a tail                   
  **14. A greedy farmer                           
*15. who is to bell the cat                  


***1. What I intend to do after the s.s.c exam.
**2. Importance of reading newspaper.     
 **3. Thanking for hospitality.                     
**4. Thanking for birthday gift.                 
   **5. Condolence of father death.                   
***6. Co-curricular activities .                         
**7. How to improve in English.                 
 ***8. Describing a historical place / picnic.     
 **9. Describing the prize giving ceremony . 
              *10. Describe about food and food habits of Bangladesh.
***11. Congratulations for brilliant result.         
              ***12. Progress of studies / preparation for coming exam .

        ***13. Advise your younger brother to maintain home quarantine .

Graph & Chart

***1. Population growth rate in Bangladesh 
            **2. Internet / Mobile Phone users in Bangladesh
***3. The literacy rate of Bangladesh           
                   **4. Percentage of people living below the poverty line 
          ***5. The choice of profession by different people 
        ***6. Death rate of Corona Patient over the world
        **7. People spending time on various activities


**1. Importance of Reading newspaper    
**2. Importance of Physical exercise        
**3. Necessity of Tree Plantation              
            ***4. Use and abuse of mobile phone / Facebook    
***5. Eradicate the illiteracy of Bangladesh 
   **6. Benefit of early rising / morning walk  
                   **7. Advantages and disadvantages of village life and city life
 **8. How to improve in English                
***9. Intend to do after the S.S.C exam       
***10. Preparation of coming S.SC                 


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