My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Write a dialogue between you and your friend about importance of Village Life and City Life.

Niloy            : Hello, Nilasha. How are you?

Nilasha        : Fine. What about you?

Niloy            : I am also fine. Can I ask a question?

Nilasha        : Yes. Why not ?

Niloy            : Which life do you like most ? Village life or city life ?

Nilasha        :  I like prefer village life. Village life is natural. It is very calm and quiet. The environment of the village is very fresh. The people are very friendly here. And you?

Niloy           : I like to prefer city life much. All the facilities are available in city life. Bank, Office, Medical and other institution are very near at hand.

Nilasha       : But the city life is noisy, smoky and restless.

Niloy           : I think both have some merits and demerits.

Nilash         : You are right. Thank you.

Niloy           : welcome.


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