My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Write any kinds of dialogue about an any importance.

Myself      : Hello x. How are you ?

X                : I am fine. What about you ?

Myself      : I am also fine. Where are you going ?

X                : I am going to school. You ?

Myself      : I am too. Can I ask a question ?

X                : Sure. Why not !

Myself      : Do you know about the important of -------------------

X                : Oh ! Yes It is very important in our day to day life. Without it we cannot think a single day.    It helps us in so many respects.

Myself      : Actually I don't know about it properly. Can you give me some suggestion about it ?

X                : Sure. You should know about the importance of it. It gives you to lead a very enjoyful life.

Myself      : Many many thanks to you to give me such a wonderful and needful information.

X                : You are most welcome.



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