My first post

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Dialogue about the visit of the book fair

Zafi  : Hello Zafi ! How are you ?

Zarif : I am fine. What about you ?

Zafi  : I am fine too. What are doing now ?

Zarif : I am busy with my studies. My S.S.C exam is coming son.

Zafi  : Oh! I see. You might know that the book fair is going on. Have you  visited the book fair ?

Zarif  : Yes. Yesterday I visited the book fair very much. By the way, have you visited it recently ?

Zafi  : No. I will visit the fair at the later part. I have already made a list of  the books. Have you bought any book ?

Zarif : Yes. I have boughy five books all written by Dr. Muhamooad Zafar Iqbal.

Zafi  : He is also one of my favourite writer. Ok dear, I have to go now. Bye.

Zarif  : Ok. See you later.


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