My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Dialogue about the tree plantation.

My self       : Hello Raju. How are you ?

Raju           : I am fine. What about you ?

Myself        : I am also fine. By the way, do you know the importance of tree plantation ?

Raju           : Yes. I read an article about tree plantation. Trees are the best friend of human being. We cannot live on earth without trees.

My self       : How can it help us ?

Raju           : It gives us oxygen. The most important thing is that the ecological balance remains fit. It also gives us wood, food, shade and shelter. So there is a close relationship between trees and human.

My self       : What can we do for tree ?

Raju           : We should plant trees more and more. We can aware general people by telling them about the importance of tree plantation.

My self       : Thank You.

Raju           : You are most Welcome.



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