My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Dialogue about the eradicate of illiteracy.

Zafi  : Hello. Kabir. How are you ?

Kabir : I am fine and you ?

Zafi  : I am also fine. I see you are absorbed in deep thought. Is there any problem ?

Kabir : No. I have no personal problem. I am upset about the problem of our Illiteracy.

Zafi  : Oh. I see. Illiteracy is undoubtedly a great problem.No development is possible useless Illiteracy is eradicated.

Kabir : You are right. But how can we get rid of this problem ?

Zafi  : I think the government should take necessary steps to solve this problem. The government level and help the poor financially.

Kabir : You are right. But only government cannot solve this problem. We all come forward and work problem. We all come forward and work hard to solve this problem.

Zafi  : I agree with you. We have to develop mass awareness in this situation. If we all are sincere in words and deeds, Illiteracy will eradicate very soon.

Kabir : Thank you very much.

Zafi  : You are welcome.



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