My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

A dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading newspaper

Sajib     : Hi Monir, what are you doing?

Monir   : I am reading newspaper.

Sajib     : Newspaper! Why?
Monir   :  By reading newspaper, we can get the news of various items in the world. It gives us the news of home and abroad. It also gives us current news, trade news, games and sports news etc.
Sajib     : Can we learn any moral lesson and build up our character by newspapers?
Monir   : Yes. We can learn many religious and moral stories from the news paper. They help us to build our character.
Sajib     : But isn’t it true that newspaper sometimes brings false news and creates anarchy?
Monir   : You are right but that is too little in compare to its positive side.
Sajib     : So, do you think that I also should form the habit of reading newspaper?
Monir   : Not only you but also all types of people should form this habit.
Sajib     : Thanks a lot, Monir is for your valuable information.
Monir   : You are most welcome.


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