My first post

This is my website . Welcome everybody to my new website. Here there are some necessary things of yours.

Dialogue about plan after the examination.

 My self       : Hello. Rabi. How are you ?

Rabi           : Fine. What about you ?

My self       : Well. How are your exam going on ?

Rabi           : Very well and you ?

My self       : Very well by the grace of Allah.

Rabi           : Now what are you planning after the exam ?

My self       : I am planning to go on a tour inside Bangladesh.

Rabi           : Ok. It's a very good idea.

My self        : Now tell me what is your plan ?

Rabi           : But my plan is not same like you.

My self       : What is that actually ?

Rabi           : It is about learning English.

My self       : What do you mean ?

Rabi           : I mean, I will learn spoken English.

My self       : Ok. I hope you all the success.

Rabi           : Thank you.

My self       : You are most welcome.


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